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Something is rotten in the state of Denmark... and that 'something' is magic.



Ophelia is a disgraced handmaid to the queen, the cast-off lover of Prince Hamlet.

She is also a witch, and a good one at that. And she can see that Denmark is rotting from the inside out, afflicted by dark magic.



Hamlet is a useless son, a failed heir. He is the prince of a nation about to fight a war they won't win.

He doesn't know about magic, but if he did he would use it to destroy their enemies-no matter the consequences.

As Hamlet and Ophelia find themselves increasingly torn apart, they must decide: how much are they willing to sacrifice in order to save Denmark?


And, by the end of it all, will they be beyond saving?

Smile and Be a Villain by Yves Donlon – SIGNED

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  • Format: Paperback

    ISBN: 9798215733943

    Imprint: Self-Published

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