A gorgeously creepy classic haunted house story based on Japanese folklore, combining The Haunting of Hill House with The Ring. Cat joins her old friends, who are in search of the perfect wedding venue, to spend the night in a Heian-era manor in Japan.
Trapped in webs of love, responsibility and yesterdays, they walk into a haunted house with their hearts full of ghosts. This mansion is long abandoned, but it is hungry for new guests, and welcomes them all - welcomes the demons inside them - because it is built on foundations of sacrifice and bone. Their night of food, drinks, and games quickly spirals into a nightmare as the house draws them into its embrace.
For lurking in the shadows is the ghost bride with a black smile and a hungry heart. And she gets lonely down there in the dirt.
Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781803363660
Imprint: Titan Books
"Brutally delicious! Khaw is a master of teasing your senses, and then terrorizing them!" – N.K. Jemisin, author of The Fifth Season.
"This is a glorious poem, a slow-motion collapse leading to the inevitable haunting. It is beautiful and it is brutal and it is heartbroken. Absolutely recommended." – Seanan McGuire, author of Every Heart a Doorway.
"Imagine chucking House on Haunted Hill, Japanese folklore, Clive Barker, and Kathy Acker into a literary blender. Nothing But Blackened Teeth reads like the ghost punk noir you never knew you needed. It's sharp, playful, and nasty as hell." – Paul Tremblay, author of A Head Full of Ghosts and Survivor Song.